Egress Adaptive Security datasheet

Preparing customers to defend against threats before they materialize.
Published on 12th Oct 2023

Egress generates aggregated human risk scores for each user by augmenting product telemetry, open-source intelligence, and behavioral data with threat data taken from third-party security applications via a two-way open API. When a score reaches a higher risk threshold, products in the Intelligent Email Security platform automatically adapt their controls to defend against advanced phishing threats, human error, and data exfiltration.

Human Risk Management dashboard in the Egress Security Center, showing a global organization risk score, risk score distribution, user risk profile spider chart, and organizational risk over time

Key benefits:

  • Enhanced inbound and outbound email security: Controls are automatically adjusted based on real-time risk scoring, ensuring Egress customers are best prepared to defend against new or emerging threats
  • Increased speed to response: The dialing up and down of enforcement occurs instantaneously as an individual’s risk score rises and falls
  • Automation that eliminates administrative management: Tailored security controls are automatically applied, resulting in no administrative overhead
  • Data-driven intelligence provides enhanced, accurate visibility into threat trends: Using multiple data sources unlocks a new, more accurate way to assess and manage human risk, with trends and actionable insights surfaced via the Egress Security Center
  • Improve security awareness through real-time nudges: Egress uses a combination of dynamic color-coded banners and configurable prompts to educate and train employees, based on their individual human risk score

Partnership with KnowBe4: Transforming the way organizations manage human risk in email

Egress integrates with KnowBe4 via a two-way open API, allowing joint customers to leverage the combined value of both offerings. This integration enables Egress to feed KnowB4’s user risk score into its adaptive security model as an additional intelligence source to enrich its human risk score.

An organizations’ cyber defenses are strongest when the offerings in their security ecosystem work together to address the human element. Through its adaptive security model, Egress turns data into action, and our joint customers will benefit from human risk scores that are enriched by the data KnowBe4 generates.

Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 CEO

Deeply understanding human risk

Unlike other solutions that provide siloed risk scores within their own platforms, Egress aggregates granular data from multiple sources to generate an individual human risk score for every user. Grouped into profiles of risk, these datasets include Egress Defend (anti-phishing) and Egress Prevent (email DLP) product telemetry; intrinsic non-mutable risk, such as duration of employment, job role, and seniority; data taken from third-party security applications; and open-source intelligence (OSINT).

Diagram showing how Egress products connect with threat intelligence sources and ecosystem partner integrations to analyze emails

Adapting email security controls based on human risk

When an individual’s risk score increases against the evolving threat landscape, the Egress Intelligent Email Security platform automatically adapts its security controls and adjusts each individual user’s experience, while educating them through in-the-moment nudges. These dynamic adjustments include customized anti-phishing banners and DLP prompts delivered by Egress products, dynamic quarantining of phishing emails, automatic encryption of emails, tailored real-time educational content for the user, and enhanced auditing and alerting for administrators.

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