Exciting new features released for Egress Prevent Analytics

Egress | 28th Jun 2024

We are thrilled to announce the first release of powerful updates to Egress Prevent Analytics within the Egress Security Center, designed to provide deeper insights, richer data, and enhanced functionality for all our customers.  

These new features aim to empower IT and Security teams with granular control and visibility over outbound email behavior, helping to predict threats before they happen, identify behavioral trends and patterns, and adapt policies dynamically to mitigate human-activated outbound email risk.  

Let's dive in and explore what's new. 

In-depth email activity tracking 

Our new and improved email activity tracking provides deep visibility into all outbound email activity, including detailed information on emails and attachments sent. This enhanced level of tracking allows for a more comprehensive understanding of potential risks and threats within your organization's outbound email behavior. 


  • Comprehensive insights: Gain a deeper understanding of outbound email activity to identify potential threats and patterns. 
  • Risk mitigation: Proactively mitigate risks before they escalate by monitoring sensitive data sharing habits. 

Click-through from dashboard to search screen 

Admin users can now click on data points within the dashboard and seamlessly navigate to the search screen with pre-applied filters. This new feature streamlines the user experience, allowing for quick, context-aware investigations. 


  • Improved efficiency: Quickly drill down into specific data points directly from the dashboard. 
  • Enhanced usability: Intuitive navigation saves time and effort for admins. 

Real-time updates 

We are bringing real-time updates closer to reality for outbound email data within the dashboard. We recognize that having a data delay within the dashboard made threat identification and remediation significantly more challenging. With updates now occurring in real time, you can monitor your security posture more effectively and quickly spot suspicious behavior. 

Users can now manually choose when they refresh the data in the search emails screen. This functionality means that users of the portal can grab the newest email events as and when they need them. Neat, eh? 


  • Timely information: Faster updates mean quicker identification and response to potential threats. 
  • Enhanced monitoring: Keep a closer eye on email activities as they happen. 

Screen-recording of new updates to Egress Prevent Analytics in action 

New search screen 

Our search screen has undergone a comprehensive overhaul, introducing new filters and updated functionality. This enhancement makes it easier for you to search through your data and home in on problem areas. 


  • Greater precision: New and extended filters allow for more specific searches. 
  • User-friendly interface: An improved layout makes navigation and data retrieval simpler. 

Extended filtering capabilities 

To expand on the new filters and updated functionality mentioned above, our new filtering options support a variety of use cases: 

  • NEW: Filtering emails with/without at least one external recipient. 
  • NEW: Filtering emails sent from add-in/gateway. 
  • NEW: Filtering emails with/without at least one attachment. 
  • NEW: Filtering emails based on matched data types. 
  • ENHANCED: Filtering based on more than one advice type selection. 
  • EXISTING: Filtering based on more than one advice response. 


  • Comprehensive filters: More filtering options allow for precise data segmentation. 
  • Flexibility: Tailor searches to meet specific security needs. 

Wildcard searching 

Admins can now use wildcard searching by name in the analytics search screen, making it easier to find relevant data. 


  • Flexible search: Quickly locate data points even if the full name or exact term is not known. 
  • Efficiency: Save time with more dynamic search capabilities. 

Drill-down page changes 

Our new drill-down page layout includes top-level information about prompts, a log of recipients (flagged, changed, final), and a detailed table for data matched in emails and policies flagged. 


  • In-depth analysis: Access granular details for thorough investigation. 
  • Streamlined layout: Easier navigation and clearer data presentation. 

Empowering security teams with enhanced analytics 

In our endeavor to ensure organizations are best equipped to combat intentional data exfiltration, accidental data leaks, and other outbound email risk, we identified that Prevent Analytics was missing some key functionality to support this goal. To demonstrate our commitment to empowering security teams with all the data they need to make informed decisions about their risk and overall security posture Prevent Analytics has gotten some key upgrades - with much more to come! 

Our enhanced analytics capability provides multi-layered insights, reports, and intelligence, enabling you to: 

  • Predict threats: Identify potential risks before they occur. 
  • Understand behavior: Analyze trends and patterns to adapt policies accordingly. 
  • Mitigate human risk: Proactively prevent human-activated outbound email risks. 
  • Identify high-risk users: Quickly spot the most vulnerable users, teams, and departments. 
  • Detailed reporting: Enjoy comprehensive insights into your organization's email behavior with flexible custom reports, export capabilities, and API integration. 

These exciting new features are now available for all new and existing customers. This is just the first of multiple updates to come, so stay tuned for more and get ready to experience the next level of outbound email security with Egress Prevent. 

If you haven’t yet explored Egress Prevent, now is the perfect time to see how our enhanced analytics can transform your approach to managing outbound email risks. 

For more information, contact our team to learn how Egress Prevent can fit into your environment or schedule a demo.